Class IndeterminateDelay

All Implemented Interfaces:
Debuggable, SyntaxElement

public class IndeterminateDelay extends Delay
  • Constructor Details

    • IndeterminateDelay

      public IndeterminateDelay()
  • Method Details

    • walk

      protected @Nullable TriggerItem walk(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
      Description copied from class: TriggerItem
      Executes this item and returns the next item to run.

      Overriding classes must call TriggerItem.debug(Event, boolean). If this method is overridden, is not used anymore and can be ignored.

      walk in class Delay
      The next item to run or null to stop execution
    • toString

      public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, boolean debug)
      Specified by:
      toString in interface Debuggable
      toString in class Delay
      e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
      debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
      String representation of this object