Class ExprHoverList

All Implemented Interfaces:
Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement

@Name("Hover List") @Description({"The list when you hover on the player counts of the server in the server list.","This can be changed using texts or players in a <a href=\'events.html#server_list_ping\'>server list ping</a> event only. Adding players to the list means adding the name of the players.","And note that, for example if there are 5 online players (includes <a href=\'#ExprOnlinePlayersCount\'>fake online count</a>) in the server and the hover list is set to 3 values, Minecraft will show \"... and 2 more ...\" at end of the list."}) @Examples({"on server list ping:","\tclear the hover list","\tadd \"&aWelcome to the &6Minecraft &aserver!\" to the hover list","\tadd \"\" to the hover list # A blank line","\tadd \"&cThere are &6%online players count% &conline players!\" to the hover list"}) @Since("2.3") @RequiredPlugins("Paper 1.12.2 or newer") @Events("server list ping") public class ExprHoverList extends SimpleExpression<String>
  • Constructor Details

    • ExprHoverList

      public ExprHoverList()
  • Method Details