Class ExprRegion

All Implemented Interfaces:
Debuggable, DefaultExpression<Region>, Expression<Region>, SyntaxElement

@Name("Region") @Description({"The <a href=\'classes.html#region\'>region</a> involved in an event.","This expression requires a supported regions plugin to be installed."}) @Examples({"on region enter:","\tregion is {forbidden region}","\tcancel the event"}) @Since("2.1") @RequiredPlugins("Supported regions plugin") public class ExprRegion extends EventValueExpression<Region>
  • Constructor Details

    • ExprRegion

      public ExprRegion()
  • Method Details

    • toString

      public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, boolean debug)
      Specified by:
      toString in interface Debuggable
      toString in class EventValueExpression<Region>
      e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
      debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
      String representation of this object