Class TestMode


public class TestMode extends Object
Static utilities for Skript's 'test mode'.
  • Field Details


      public static final boolean ENABLED
      Determines if test mode is enabled. In test mode, Skript will not load normal scripts, working with TEST_DIR instead.
    • TEST_DIR

      public static final Path TEST_DIR
      Root path for scripts containing tests. If DEV_MODE is enabled, a command will be available to run them individually or collectively. Otherwise, all tests are run, results are written in JSON format to RESULTS_FILE as in TestResults.
    • DEV_MODE

      public static final boolean DEV_MODE
      Enable test development mode. Skript will allow individual test scripts to be loaded and ran, and prints results to chat or console.

      public static final Path RESULTS_FILE
      Path to file where to save results in JSON format.
    • lastTestFile

      public static @Nullable File lastTestFile
      In development mode, file that was last run.
  • Constructor Details

    • TestMode

      public TestMode()