Class ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo

Enclosing class:

public static class ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo extends Object
A class for keeping track of a the general content of a script:
  • The amount of files
  • The amount of triggers
  • The amount of commands
  • The amount of functions
  • The names of the declared commands
  • Field Details

    • files

      public int files
    • triggers

      public int triggers
    • commands

      public int commands
    • functions

      public int functions
    • commandNames

      public final Set<String> commandNames
      Command names. They're collected to see if commands need to be sent to clients on Minecraft 1.13 and newer. Note that add/subtract don't operate with command names!
  • Constructor Details

    • ScriptInfo

      public ScriptInfo()
    • ScriptInfo

      public ScriptInfo(int numFiles, int numTriggers, int numCommands, int numFunctions)
    • ScriptInfo

      public ScriptInfo(ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo other)
      Copy constructor.
      other - ScriptInfo to copy from
  • Method Details