Class ExprAttackCooldown

All Implemented Interfaces:
Converter<org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity,​Float>, Debuggable, Expression<Float>, SyntaxElement

@Name("Attack Cooldown") @Description({"Returns the current cooldown for a player\'s attack. This is used to calculate damage, with 1.0 representing a fully charged attack and 0.0 representing a non-charged attack.","NOTE: Currently this can not be set to anything."}) @Examples({"on damage:","\tif attack cooldown of attacker < 1:","\t\tset damage to 0","\t\tsend \"Your hit was too weak! wait until your weapon is fully charged next time.\" to attacker"}) @Since("2.6.1") @RequiredPlugins("Minecraft 1.15+") public class ExprAttackCooldown extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity,​Float>
  • Constructor Details

    • ExprAttackCooldown

      public ExprAttackCooldown()
  • Method Details