Interface Converter<F,​T>

Type Parameters:
F - The accepted type of objects to convert from
T - The type to convert to
All Known Implementing Classes:
ChainedConverter, EnumParser, ExprAI, ExprAltitude, ExprArmorSlot, ExprArrowKnockbackStrength, ExprArrowPierceLevel, ExprArrowsStuck, ExprAttackCooldown, ExprBalance, ExprBed, ExprBlockData, ExprBlockHardness, ExprBookAuthor, ExprBookTitle, ExprClientViewDistance, ExprCompassTarget, ExprCoordinate, ExprCreeperMaxFuseTicks, ExprCursorSlot, ExprCustomModelData, ExprDifficulty, ExprDurability, ExprEnchantmentOfferCost, ExprEnderChest, ExprEntityTamer, ExprExhaustion, ExprExplosiveYield, ExprEyeLocation, ExprFacing, ExprFallDistance, ExprFlightMode, ExprGlidingState, ExprGlowing, ExprGravity, ExprHighestSolidBlock, ExprHotbarSlot, ExprHumidity, ExprItemAmount, ExprItemFrameSlot, ExprLanguage, ExprLastAttacker, ExprLastColor, ExprLastDamage, ExprLastLoginTime, ExprLastResourcePackResponse, ExprLeashHolder, ExprLength, ExprLevel, ExprLevelProgress, ExprMaxDurability, ExprMaxHealth, ExprMaxMinecartSpeed, ExprMaxStack, ExprMiddleOfLocation, ExprMinecartDerailedFlyingVelocity, ExprName, ExprNoDamageTicks, ExprPing, ExprPlayerlistHeaderFooter, ExprPlayerWeather, ExprPrefixSuffix, ExprProjectileBounceState, ExprProjectileCriticalState, ExprRedstoneBlockPower, ExprRemainingAir, ExprSeaLevel, ExprSkull, ExprSlotIndex, ExprSpawnerType, ExprSpectatorTarget, ExprSpeed, ExprTemperature, ExprTimePlayed, ExprTimeSince, ExprTypeOf, ExprUnixDate, ExprUnixTicks, ExprUUID, ExprVectorLength, ExprVectorSquaredLength, ExprVectorXYZ, ExprVehicle, ExprVelocity, ExprYawPitch, Getter, SerializableGetter, SimplePropertyExpression

public interface Converter<F,​T>
Converts data from type to another.
See Also:
Converters.registerConverter(Class, Class, Converter)
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static class 
    holds information about a converter
    static class 
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static int
    Disallow all chaining.
    static int
    static int
    Disallow other converters from being chained to this.
    static int
    Disallow chaining this with other converters.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    @Nullable T
    convert​(F f)
    Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
  • Field Details


      static final int NO_LEFT_CHAINING
      Disallow other converters from being chained to this.
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values

      static final int NO_RIGHT_CHAINING
      Disallow chaining this with other converters.
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values

      static final int NO_CHAINING
      Disallow all chaining.
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values

      static final int NO_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
  • Method Details

    • convert

      @Nullable T convert(F f)
      Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
      f - The object to convert.
      the converted object