Class ExprName

All Implemented Interfaces:
Converter<Object,​String>, Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement

@Name("Name / Display Name / Tab List Name") @Description({"Represents the Minecraft account, display or tab list name of a player, or the custom name of an item, entity, block, inventory, or gamerule.","","<ul>","\t<li><strong>Players</strong>","\t\t<ul>","\t\t\t<li><strong>Name:</strong> The Minecraft account name of the player. Can\'t be changed, but \'display name\' can be changed.</li>","\t\t\t<li><strong>Display Name:</strong> The name of the player that is displayed in messages. This name can be changed freely and can include colour codes, and is shared among all plugins (e.g. chat plugins will use the display name).</li>","\t\t</ul>","\t</li>","\t<li><strong>Entities</strong>","\t\t<ul>","\t\t\t<li><strong>Name:</strong> The custom name of the entity. Can be changed. But for living entities, the players will have to target the entity to see its name tag. For non-living entities, the name will not be visible at all. To prevent this, use \'display name\'.</li>","\t\t\t<li><strong>Display Name:</strong> The custom name of the entity. Can be changed, which will also enable <em>custom name visibility</em> of the entity so name tag of the entity will be visible always.</li>","\t\t</ul>","\t</li>","\t<li><strong>Items</strong>","\t\t<ul>","\t\t\t<li><strong>Name and Display Name:</strong> The <em>custom</em> name of the item (not the Minecraft locale name). Can be changed.</li>","\t\t</ul>","\t</li>","\t<li><strong>Inventories</strong>","\t\t<ul>","\t\t\t<li><strong>Name and Display Name:</strong> The name/title of the inventory. Changing name of an inventory means opening the same inventory with the same contents but with a different name to its current viewers.</li>","\t\t</ul>","\t</li>","\t<li><strong>Gamerules (1.13+)</strong>","\t\t<ul>","\t\t\t<li><strong>Name:</strong> The name of the gamerule. Cannot be changed.</li>","\t\t</ul>","\t</li>","</ul>"}) @Examples({"on join:","\tplayer has permission \"\"","\tset the player\'s display name to \"&lt;red&gt;[admin] &lt;gold&gt;%name of player%\"","\tset the player\'s tab list name to \"&lt;green&gt;%player\'s name%\"","set the name of the player\'s tool to \"Legendary Sword of Awesomeness\""}) @Since("before 2.1, 2.2-dev20 (inventory name), 2.4 (non-living entity support, changeable inventory name)") public class ExprName extends SimplePropertyExpression<Object,​String>