Class ExprTimePlayed

All Implemented Interfaces:
Converter<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer,​Timespan>, Debuggable, Expression<Timespan>, SyntaxElement

@Name("Time Played") @Description("The amount of time a player has played for on the server. This info is stored in the player\'s statistics in the main world\'s data folder. Changing this will also change the player\'s stats which can be views in the client\'s statistics menu.") @Examples({"set {_t} to time played of player","if player\'s time played is greater than 10 minutes:","\tgive player a diamond sword","set player\'s time played to 0 seconds"}) @Since("2.5") public class ExprTimePlayed extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer,​Timespan>