Class ExprBalance

All Implemented Interfaces:
Converter<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer,​Money>, Debuggable, Expression<Money>, SyntaxElement

@Name("Money") @Description("How much virtual money a player has (can be changed). This expression requires Vault and a compatible economy plugin to be installed.") @Examples({"message \"You have %player\'s money%\" # the currency name will be added automatically","remove 20$ from the player\'s balance # replace \'$\' by whatever currency you use","add 200 to the player\'s account # or omit the currency alltogether"}) @Since("2.0, 2.5 (offline player support)") @RequiredPlugins({"Vault","an economy plugin that supports Vault"}) public class ExprBalance extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer,​Money>