
Attribute Type



  • generic attack speed, luck, max health, generic movement speed, flying speed, attack damage, horse jump strength, generic attack damage, generic luck, generic armor, generic flying speed, follow range, generic knockback resistance, movement speed, generic follow range, zombie spawn reinforcements, armor, generic attack knockback, attack speed, armor toughness, knockback resistance, generic max health, attack knockback, generic armor toughness
Since: 2.5
Represents the type of an attribute. Note that this type does not contain any numerical values.See attribute types for more info.


Missing examples.




  • bamboo jungle hills, the void, desert lakes, jungle edge mountains, hell, mega taiga, mesa plateau, mesa plateau forest mountains, birch forest, cold taiga, cold beach, savanna, birch forest hills mountains, giant tree taiga, marsh, sky, nether, cold ocean, small mountains, forest hills, ice mountains, deep warm ocean, small end islands, badlands, badlands plateau mountains, badlands plateau, ice plains spikes, gravelly mountains, jungle, basalt deltas, desert hills, mountain edge, modified wooded badlands plateau, forest, eroded mesa, end barrens, birch forest mountains, ice plains with spikes, modified gravelly mountains, sea, savanna plateau mountains, unknown, black forest, mushroom fields, extreme hills, mushroom island, wooded mountains, shattered savanna, sunflower plains, tall birch hills, snowy taiga hills, flower forest, frozen river, deep cold ocean, swamp, ice plains, end highlands, mushroom island shore, river, tall birch forest, warped forest, desert, extreme hills mountains, cold taiga mountains, roofed forest, badlands plateau forest, extreme hills plus mountains, birch forest hills, snowy taiga, cold taiga hills, spiked ice plains, savanna mountains, crimson forest, mushroom shore, stone shore, mega spruce taiga hills, taiga mountains, stone beach, mushroom fields shore, wooded hills, void, giant spruce taiga, giant spruce taiga hills, lush caves, jungle hills, deep lukewarm ocean, deep frozen ocean, ice spikes, snowy taiga mountains, extreme hills plus, jungle mountains, ocean, lukewarm ocean, hills, roofed forest mountains, snowy beach, frozen ocean, mountains, redwood taiga, the end, dripstone caves, swampland, mesa plateau mountains, taiga hills, soul sand valley, mesa, plains, eroded badlands, badlands plateau forest mountains, mountains with trees, mega taiga hills, giant tree taiga hills, wooded badlands plateau, nether wastes, taiga, warm ocean, shattered savanna plateau, custom, deep ocean, end midlands, dark forest, redwood taiga hills, jungle edge, snowy tundra, snowy mountains, beach, dark forest hills, bamboo jungle, savanna plateau, mega spruce taiga, modified badlands plateau, mesa plateau forest, swamp hills
Since: 1.4.4
All possible biomes Minecraft uses to generate a world.


biome at the player is desert




  • Missing patterns.
Since: 1.0
A block in a world. It has a location and a type, and can also have a direction (mostly a facing), an inventory, or other special properties.


Missing examples.

Block Data



  • Missing patterns.
Since: 2.5
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13+
Block data is the detailed information about a block, referred to in Minecraft as BlockStates, allowing for the manipulation of different aspects of the block, including shape, waterlogging, direction the block is facing, and so much more. Information regarding each block's optional data can be found on Minecraft's Wiki. Find the block you're looking for and scroll down to 'Block States'. Different states must be separated by a semicolon (see examples). The 'minecraft:' namespace is optional, as well as are underscores.


set block at player to campfire[lit=false]
set target block of player to oak stairs[facing=north;waterlogged=true]
set block at player to grass_block[snowy=true]
set loop-block to minecraft:chest[facing=north]
set block above player to oak_log[axis=y]
set target block of player to minecraft:oak_leaves[distance=2;persistent=false]




  • true/yes/on or false/no/off
Since: 1.0
A boolean is a value that is either true or false. Other accepted names are 'on' and 'yes' for true, and 'off' and 'no' for false.


set {config.%player%.use mod} to false

Cat Type



  • red, all black, british shorthair, ragdoll, white, jellie, siamese, black, tabby, calico, persian
Since: 2.4
Requirements: Minecraft 1.14 or newer
Represents the race/type of a cat entity.


Missing examples.




  • Missing patterns.
Since: 2.0
A chunk is a cuboid of 16×16×128 (x×z×y) blocks. Chunks are spread on a fixed rectangular grid in their world.


Missing examples.

Click Type



  • lmb, number key, mmb, rmb, drop item, drop key, window border using left mouse button, unknown, window border using right mouse, shift+rmb, unsupported, shift+lmb, ctrl+q, swap shield, left mouse button, left mouse with shift, left mouse, 0-9, double click, double click using mouse, border using rmb, right mouse button, right mouse button with shift, border using lmb, middle mouse, drop key with control, window border using right mouse button, swap offhand, custom, q, right mouse with shift, middle mouse button, drop stack, left mouse button with shift, right mouse, creative action
Since: 2.2-dev16b, 2.2-dev35 (renamed to click type)
Click type, mostly for inventory events. Tells exactly which keys/buttons player pressed, assuming that default keybindings are used in client side.


Missing examples.




  • black, dark grey/dark gray, grey/light grey/gray/light gray/silver, white, blue/dark blue, cyan/aqua/dark cyan/dark aqua, light blue/light cyan/light aqua, green/dark green, light green/lime/lime green, yellow/light yellow, orange/gold/dark yellow, red/dark red, pink/light red, purple/dark purple, magenta/light purple, brown/indigo
Since: Unknown
Wool, dye and chat colors.


color of the sheep is red or black
set the color of the block to green
message "You're holding a <%color of tool%>%color of tool% wool block"

Command Sender



Since: 1.0
A player or the console.


command /push [<player>]:
        if arg-1 is not set:
            if command sender is console:
                send "You can't push yourself as a console :\" to sender
            push sender upwards with force 2
            send "Yay!"
            push arg-1 upwards with force 2
            send "Yay!" to sender and arg-1

Damage Cause



  • sweep attack, thorns, the void, magma, a lightning, drowning, dragonfire, an attack, drown, an entity attack, melt, freeze, falling block, contact, fire, an entity explosion, lightning, a fall, entity explosion, void, a lightning strike, suffocation, suicide, wither effect, a plugin, lightning strike, entity attack, a potion, a wither, sweeping, melting, a falling block, unknown, starvation, lava, fall, hot floor, attack, a block explosion, dryout, burn, hitting wall while flying, potion, flying into a wall, cramming, poison, suffocate, custom, a fire, burning, a projectile, plugin, wither potion effect, block explosion, projectile, wither, dragon's breath
Since: 2.0
The cause/type of a damage event, e.g. lava, fall, fire, drowning, explosion, poison, etc. Please note that support for this type is very rudimentary, e.g. lava, fire and burning, as well as projectile and attack are considered different types.


Missing examples.




  • Missing patterns.
Since: 1.4
A date is a certain point in the real world's time which can be obtained with now expression, unix date expression and date function. See time and timespan for the other time types of Skript.


set {_yesterday} to now
subtract a day from {_yesterday}
# now {_yesterday} represents the date 24 hours before now




  • normal, medium, hard, easy, peaceful
Since: 2.3
The difficulty of a world.


Missing examples.




Since: 2.0
A direction, e.g. north, east, behind, 5 south east, 1.3 meters to the right, etc. Locations and some blocks also have a direction, but without a length. Please note that directions have changed extensively in the betas and might not work perfectly. They can also not be used as command arguments.


set the block below the victim to a chest
loop blocks from the block infront of the player to the block 10 below the player:
    set the block behind the loop-block to water




  • Frost Walker, Feather Falling, Unbreaking, Knockback, Projectile Protection, Respiration, Punch, Protection, Blast Protection, Lure, Impaling, Smite, Silk Touch, Infinity, Luck of The Sea, Thorns, Multishot, Curse of Vanishing, Fire Aspect, Flame, Depth Strider, Piercing, Fire Protection, Sharpness, Power, Sweeping Edge, Aqua Affinity, Curse of Binding, Bane of Arthropods, Soul Speed, Looting, Efficiency, Mending, Riptide, Quick Charge, Fortune, Loyalty, Channeling
Since: 1.4.6
An enchantment, e.g. 'sharpness' or 'fortune'. Unlike enchantment type this type has no level, but you usually don't need to use this type anyway.


Missing examples.

Enchantment Offer



  • Missing patterns.
Since: 2.5
The enchantmentoffer in an enchant prepare event.


on enchant prepare:
    set enchant offer 1 to sharpness 1
    set the cost of enchant offer 1 to 10 levels

Enchantment Type



  • <enchantment> [<level>]
Since: 1.4.6
An enchantment with an optional level, e.g. 'sharpness 2' or 'fortune'.


enchant the player's tool with sharpness 5
helmet is enchanted with waterbreathing




  • player, op, wolf, tamed ocelot, powered creeper, zombie, unsaddled pig, fireball, arrow, dropped item, item frame, etc.
Since: 1.0
An entity is something in a world that's not a block, e.g. a player, a skeleton, or a zombie, but also projectiles like arrows, fireballs or thrown potions, or special entities like dropped items, falling blocks or paintings.


entity is a zombie or creeper
player is an op
projectile is an arrow
shoot a fireball from the player

Entity Type



  • Detailed usage will be added eventually
Since: 1.3
The type of an entity, e.g. player, wolf, powered creeper, etc.


victim is a cow
spawn a creeper

Entity Type with Amount



Since: 1.3
An entity type with an amount, e.g. '2 zombies'. I might remove this type in the future and make a more general 'type' type, i.e. a type that has a number and a type.


spawn 5 creepers behind the player




  • [<number>] ([e]xp|experience [point[s]])
Since: 2.0
Experience points. Please note that Bukkit only allows to give XP, but not remove XP from players. You can however change a player's level and level progress freely.


give 10 xp to the player

Firework Effect



  • Missing patterns.
Since: 2.4
A configuration of effects that defines the firework when exploded which can be used in the launch firework effect. See the firework effect expression for detailed patterns.


launch flickering trailing burst firework colored blue and green at player
launch trailing flickering star colored purple, yellow, blue, green and red fading to pink at target entity
launch ball large colored red, purple and white fading to light green and black at player's location with duration 1

Firework Type



  • small, ball, star shaped, large, star, creeper face, small ball, large ball, burst, ball large, creeper
Since: 2.4
The type of a fireworkeffect.


Missing examples.

Game Mode



  • adventure, survival, spectator, creative
Since: 1.0
The game modes survival, creative, adventure and spectator.


player's gamemode is survival
set the player argument's game mode to creative




  • doFireTick, maxCommandChainLength, fireDamage, reducedDebugInfo, disableElytraMovementCheck, announceAdvancements, drowningDamage, commandBlockOutput, forgiveDeadPlayers, doMobSpawning, maxEntityCramming, disableRaids, doWeatherCycle, doDaylightCycle, showDeathMessages, doTileDrops, universalAnger, playersSleepingPercentage, doInsomnia, doImmediateRespawn, naturalRegeneration, doMobLoot, fallDamage, keepInventory, doEntityDrops, doLimitedCrafting, mobGriefing, randomTickSpeed, spawnRadius, freezeDamage, doTraderSpawning, logAdminCommands, spectatorsGenerateChunks, sendCommandFeedback, doPatrolSpawning
Since: 2.5
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13 or newer
A gamerule


Missing examples.

Gamerule Value



  • Missing patterns.
Since: 2.5
A wrapper for the value of a gamerule for a world.


Missing examples.




  • normal, lazy, happy, worried, worrisome, aggressive, brown, brownish, savage, playful, wild, weak
Since: 2.4
Requirements: Minecraft 1.14 or newer
Represents a Panda's main or hidden gene. See genetics for more info.


Missing examples.

Heal Reason



  • an ender crystal, magic, a magic regeneration, magic regeneration, fed, sated, a magic regen, regen potion, a wither spawn, peaceful, unknown, a regeneration potion, consuming, a wither effect, peaceful regeneration, wither summoning, healing potion, wither potion, an end crystal, satiated, regeneration potion, potion, satisfied, ingesting, withered, custom, a wither spawning, end crystal, eating, wither spawning, a wither summoning, wither effect, a plugin, a regen potion, plugin, withering, a potion, wither spawn, a healing potion, ender crystal, magic regen, wither, peaceful regen
Since: 2.5
The heal reason in a heal event.


Missing examples.




  • Missing patterns.
Since: 1.0
An inventory of a player or block. Inventories have many effects and conditions regarding the items contained. An inventory has a fixed amount of slots which represent a specific place in the inventory, e.g. the helmet slot for players (Please note that slot support is still very limited but will be improved eventually).


Missing examples.

Inventory Action



  • drop stack from slot, swap items with hotbar, swap cursor stack, pickup single item, pickup some, drop all from cursor, move to other inventory, drop cursor stack, pickup all, swap with hotbar, nothing, drop all from slot, swap cursor, drop cursor, pickup all items, drop slot item, place all, drop cursor item, drop slot stack, drop single item from slot, swap with cursor, place some, pickup one item, drop single item from cursor, collect items to cursor, unknown, clone stack, drop stack from cursor, drop one item from slot, drop one item from cursor, unsupported, do nothing, drop one from cursor, pickup half, drop items from slot, swap stack with cursor, place all items, collect to cursor, pickup some items, drop slot, drop items from cursor, hotbar move and readd, shift move, custom, pickup single, place one item, hotbar swap items, drop one from slot, place some items, place one, pickup half stack, instant move, hotbar swap
Since: 2.2-dev16
What player just did in inventory event. Note that when in creative game mode, most actions do not work correctly.


Missing examples.

Inventory Slot



  • Missing patterns.
Since: Unknown
Represents a single slot of an inventory. Notable slots are the armour slots and furnace slots. The most important property that distinguishes a slot from an item is its ability to be changed, e.g. it can be set, deleted, enchanted, etc. (Some item expressions can be changed as well, e.g. items stored in variables. For that matter: slots are never saved to variables, only the items they represent at the time when the variable is set). Please note that tool can be regarded a slot, but it can actually change it's position, i.e. doesn't represent always the same slot.


set tool of player to dirt
delete helmet of the victim
set the color of the player's tool to green
enchant the player's chestplate with projectile protection 5

Inventory Type



  • barrel inventory, a loom inventory, a blast furnace inventory, workbench inventory, ender chest inventory, loom inventory, a workbench inventory, hopper inventory, a merchant inventory, a hopper inventory, an ender chest inventory, beacon inventory, shulker box inventory, a barrel inventory, a shulker box inventory, lectern inventory, chest inventory, a villager inventory, a smoker inventory, a brewing stand inventory, a smithing inventory, grindstone inventory, a crafting table inventory, a player inventory, furnace inventory, a creative inventory, blast furnace inventory, a composter inventory, an enchanting table inventory, a dropper inventory, a cartography table inventory, smoker inventory, composter inventory, a chest inventory, dispenser inventory, player inventory, stonecutter inventory, a stonecutter inventory, a lectern inventory, merchant inventory, cartography table inventory, a furnace inventory, anvil inventory, a dispenser inventory, a grindstone inventory, smithing inventory, dropper inventory, brewing stand inventory, villager inventory, enchanting table inventory, a beacon inventory, creative inventory, crafting table inventory, an anvil inventory
Since: 2.2-dev32
Minecraft has several different inventory types with their own use cases.


Missing examples.




  • [<number> [of]] <alias> [of <enchantment> <level>], Where <alias> must be an alias that represents exactly one item (i.e cannot be a general alias like 'sword' or 'plant')
Since: 1.0
An item, e.g. a stack of torches, a furnace, or a wooden sword of sharpness 2. Unlike item type an item can only represent exactly one item (e.g. an upside-down cobblestone stair facing west), while an item type can represent a whole range of items (e.g. any cobble stone stairs regardless of direction). You don't usually need this type except when you want to make a command that only accepts an exact item. Please note that currently 'material' is exactly the same as 'item', i.e. can have an amount & enchantments.


set {_item} to type of the targeted block
{_item} is a torch

Item Type



  • [<number> [of]] [all/every] <alias> [of <enchantment> [<level>] [,/and <more enchantments...>]]
Since: 1.0
An item type is an alias, e.g. 'a pickaxe', 'all plants', etc., and can result in different items when added to an inventory, and unlike items they are well suited for checking whether an inventory contains a certain item or whether a certain item is of a certain type. An item type can also have one or more enchantments with or without a specific level defined, and can optionally start with 'all' or 'every' to make this item type represent all types that the alias represents, including data ranges.


give 4 torches to the player
add all slabs to the inventory of the block
player's tool is a diamond sword of sharpness
remove a pickaxes of fortune 4 from {stored items::*}
set {_item} to 10 of every upside-down stair
block is dirt or farmland

Living Entity



  • see entity, but ignore inanimate objects
Since: 1.0
A living entity, i.e. a mob or player, not inanimate entities like projectiles or dropped items.


spawn 5 powered creepers
shoot a zombie from the creeper




  • Missing patterns.
Since: 1.0
A location in a world. Locations are world-specific and even store a direction, e.g. if you save a location and later teleport to it you will face the exact same direction you did when you saved the location.


Missing examples.

Metadata Holder



  • Missing patterns.
Since: 2.2-dev36
Something that can hold metadata (e.g. an entity or block)


set metadata value "super cool" of player to true




  • <number> $ or $ <number>, where '$' is your server's currency, e.g. '10 rupees' or '£5.00'
Since: 2.0
Requirements: Vault, an economy plugin that supports Vault
A certain amount of money. Please note that this differs from numbers as it includes a currency symbol or name, but usually the two are interchangeable, e.g. you can both add 100$ to the player's balance and add 100 to the player's balance.


add 10£ to the player's account
remove Fr. 9.95 from the player's money
set the victim's money to 0
increase the attacker's balance by the level of the victim * 100

Moon Phase



  • last quarter, waning crescent, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, waxing crescent, new moon, first quarter
Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper 1.16+
Represents the phase of a moon.


Missing examples.




  • [-]###[.###] (any amount of digits; very large numbers will be truncated though)
Since: 1.0
A number, e.g. 2.5, 3, or -9812454. Please note that many expressions only need integers, i.e. will discard any fractional parts of any numbers without producing an error.


set the player's health to 5.5
set {_temp} to 2*{_temp} - 2.5




  • Missing patterns.
Since: 1.0
The supertype of all types, meaning that if %object% is used in e.g. a condition it will accept all kinds of expressions.


Missing examples.

Offline Player



  • Missing patterns.
Since: Unknown
A player that is possibly offline. See player for more information. Please note that while all effects and conditions that require a player can be used with an offline player as well, they will not work if the player is not actually online.


Missing examples.




  • Missing patterns.
Since: 1.0
A player. Depending on whether a player is online or offline several actions can be performed with them, though you won't get any errors when using effects that only work if the player is online (e.g. changing their inventory) on an offline player. You have two possibilities to use players as command arguments: <player> and <offline player>. The first requires that the player is online and also accepts only part of the name, while the latter doesn't require that the player is online, but the player's name has to be entered exactly.


Missing examples.

Potion Effect



  • speed of tier 1 for 10 seconds
Since: 2.5.2
A potion effect, including the potion effect type, tier and duration.


Missing examples.

Potion Effect Type



  • null, speed, slowness, haste, mining fatigue, strength, instant health, instant damage, jump boost, nausea, regeneration, resistance, fire resistance, water breathing, invisibility, blindness, night vision, hunger, weakness, poison, wither, health boost, absorption, saturation, glowing, levitation, luck, bad luck, slow falling, conduit power, dolphins grace, bad omen, hero of the village
Since: Unknown
A potion effect type, e.g. 'strength' or 'swiftness'.


apply swiftness 5 to the player
apply potion of speed 2 to the player for 60 seconds
remove invisibility from the victim




  • arrow, fireball, snowball, thrown potion, etc.
Since: 1.0
A projectile, e.g. an arrow, snowball or thrown potion.


projectile is a snowball
shoot an arrow at speed 5 from the player




  • "region name"
Since: 2.1
Requirements: Supported regions plugin
A region of a regions plugin. Skript currently supports WorldGuard, Factions, GriefPrevention and PreciousStones. Please note that some regions plugins do not have named regions, some use numerical ids to identify regions, and some may have regions with the same name in different worlds, thus using regions like "region name" in scripts may or may not work.


Missing examples.

Resource Pack State



  • refused, rejected, accepted, failed, failed to download, successfully loaded, accept, fail, successfully load, refuse, declined, successfully install, success, reject, decline, successfully installed, download fail
Since: 2.4
The state in a resource pack request response event.


Missing examples.

Server Icon



  • Missing patterns.
Since: 2.3
A server icon that was loaded using the load server icon effect.


Missing examples.

Sound Category



  • hostile creatures category, speech category, records category, friendly creature category, noteblock category, hostile creature category, note block category, voice category, ambient category, noteblocks category, note blocks category, weather category, block category, friendly mob category, jukebox category, hostile mob category, master category, master volume category, hostile category, record category, blocks category, environment category, jukeboxes category, player category, players category, hostile mobs category, friendly mobs category, music category, friendly creatures category, neutral category
Since: 2.4
The category of a sound, they are used for sound options of Minecraft. See the play sound and stop sound effects.


Missing examples.

Spawn Reason



  • dispense egg, egg, village defense, ocelot baby, silverfish trap, village invading, trap, dispensing egg, shoulder, drowned, lightning, silverfish reveal, built iron golem, natural, village invasion, frozen, mount, build wither, built wither, iron golem defense, ender pearl, creature spawner, reinforcements, build snowman, build iron golem, breeding, raid, infection, customized, spawn egg, jockey, beehive, default, golem defense, patrol, slime split, infected, sheared, mob spawner, nether portal, shear, perching, custom, built snowman, chunk generation, breed, command, explosion, spawner, cured, customised, piglin zombification
Since: 2.3
The spawn reason in a spawn event.


Missing examples.

Teleport Cause



  • nether portal, ender gateway, chorus fruit, ender portal, command, unknown, plugin, ender pearl, spectator, spectate, end gateway, chorus, gateway, end portal
Since: 2.2-dev35
The teleport cause in a teleport event.


Missing examples.




  • simple: "..."
  • quotes: "...""..."
  • expressions: "...%expression%..."
  • percent signs: "...%%..."
Since: 1.0
Text is simply text, i.e. a sequence of characters, which can optionally contain expressions which will be replaced with a meaningful representation (e.g. %player% will be replaced with the player's name). Because scripts are also text, you have to put text into double quotes to tell Skript which part of the line is an effect/expression and which part is the text. Please read the article on Texts and Variable Names to learn more.


broadcast "Hello World!"
message "Hello %player%"
message "The id of ""%type of tool%"" is %id of tool%."




  • ##:##
  • ##[:##][ ]am/pm
Since: 1.0
A time is a point in a minecraft day's time (i.e. ranges from 0:00 to 23:59), which can vary per world. See date and timespan for the other time types of Skript.


at 20:00:
    time is 8 pm
    broadcast "It's %time%"




  • ##:## - ##:##
  • dusk/day/dawn/night
Since: 1.0
A period of time between two times. Mostly useful since you can use this to test for whether it's day, night, dusk or dawn in a specific world. This type might be removed in the future as you can use 'time of world is between x and y' as a replacement.


time in world is night




  • <number> [minecraft/mc/real/rl/irl] ticks/seconds/minutes/hours/days/weeks/months/years [[,/and] <more...>]
  • [###:]##:##[.####] ([hours:]minutes:seconds[.milliseconds])
Since: 1.0, 2.6.1 (weeks, months, years)
A timespan is a difference of two different dates or times, e.g '10 minutes'. Timespans are always displayed as real life time, but can be defined as minecraft time, e.g. '5 minecraft days and 12 hours'. NOTE: Months always have the value of 30 days, and years of 365 days. See date and time for the other time types of Skript.


every 5 minecraft days:
    wait a minecraft second and 5 ticks
every 10 mc days and 12 hours:
    halt for 12.7 irl minutes, 12 hours and 120.5 seconds

Tree Type



  • [any] <general tree/mushroom type>, e.g. tree/any jungle tree/etc.
  • <specific tree/mushroom species>, e.g. red mushroom/small jungle tree/big regular tree/etc.
Since: Unknown
A tree type represents a tree species or a huge mushroom species. These can be generated in a world with the generate tree effect.


grow any regular tree at the block
grow a huge red mushroom above the block




  • See the type name patterns of all types - including this one
Since: 2.0
Represents a type, e.g. number, object, item type, location, block, world, entity type, etc. This is mostly used for expressions like 'event-<type>', '<type>-argument', 'loop-<type>', etc., e.g. event-world, number-argument and loop-player.


{variable} is a number # check whether the variable contains a number, e.g. -1 or 5.5
{variable} is a type # check whether the variable contains a type, e.g. number or player
{variable} is an object # will always succeed if the variable is set as everything is an object, even types.
disable PvP in the event-world
kill the loop-entity




  • vector(x, y, z)
Since: 2.2-dev23
Vector is a collection of numbers. In Minecraft, 3D vectors are used to express velocities of entities.


Missing examples.

Visual Effect



  • smoke, potion break, ender signal, mobspawner flames, arrow particles, jumping rabbit, hurt, wolf smoke, wolf hearts, wolf shaking, sheep eating, iron golem offering rose, villager hearts, angry villager entity, happy villager entity, witch magic, zombie turning to a villager, firework explosion, love hearts, squid rotation reset, entity poof, guardian target, block with shield, shield break, armor stand hit, hurt by thorns, iron golem sheathing rose, resurrection by totem, hurt by drowning, hurt by explosion, explosion, large explosion, huge explosion, firework's spark, water bubble, water splash, water wake, suspended, void fog, critical hit, magical critical hit, smoke particle, large smoke, spell, spell, potion swirl, transparent potion swirl, witch spell, water drip, lava drip, angry villager, happy villager, small smoke, note, portal, flying glyph, flame, lava pop, cloud, coloured dust, snowball break, snow shovel, slime, heart, barrier, item crack, block break, block dust, water drop, mob appearance, dragon breath, end rod, damage indicator, sweep attack, falling dust, totem, spit, squid ink, bubble pop, current down, bubble column up, nautilus, dolphin, sneeze, campfire cosy smoke, campfire signal smoke, composter, flash, falling lava, landing lava, falling water, dripping honey, falling honey, landing honey, falling nectar, soul fire flame, ash, crimson spore, warped spore, soul, dripping obsidian tear, falling obsidian tear, landing obsidian tear, reverse portal, white ash, light, falling spore blossom, spore blossom air, small flame, snowflake, dripping dripstone lava, falling dripstone lava, dripping dripstone water, falling dripstone water, glow squid ink, glow, wax on, wax off, electric spark, scrape
Since: 2.1
A visible effect, e.g. particles.


show wolf hearts on the clicked wolf
play mob spawner flames at the targeted block to the player

Weather Type



  • clear/sun/sunny, rain/rainy/raining, and thunder/thundering/thunderstorm
Since: 1.0
The weather types sunny, rainy, and thundering.


is raining
is sunny in the player's world
message "It is %weather in the argument's world% in %world of the argument%"




  • "world_name", e.g. "world"
Since: 1.0, 2.2 (alternate syntax)
One of the server's worlds. Worlds can be put into scripts by surrounding their name with double quotes, e.g. "world_nether", but this might not work reliably as text uses the same syntax.


broadcast "Hello!" to the world "world_nether"

World Environment



  • normal, nether, the end, the overworld, custom, the nether, end, overworld
Since: 2.7
Represents the environment of a world.


Missing examples.