
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
All Classes|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Deprecated API|Serialized Form


c - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.ComparatorInfo
c - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SyntaxElementInfo
c - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
c - Variable in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
c1 - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.ComparatorInfo
c2 - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.ComparatorInfo
CACHED - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.log.LogHandler.LogResult
calculate(Number, Number, boolean) - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic.Operator
Callback<R,​A> - Interface in ch.njol.util
callSync(Callable<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Task
Equivalent to callSync(c, Skript.getInstance())
callSync(Callable<T>, Plugin) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Task
Calls a method on Bukkit's main thread.
CAMBODIA - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.Metrics.Country
CAMEROON - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.Metrics.Country
CAN - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.conditions.base.PropertyCondition.PropertyType
Indicates that the condition is in a form of something can something, also possibly in the negated form
CANADA - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.Metrics.Country
canBeInstantiated() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ConfigurationSerializer
canBeInstantiated() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.EnumSerializer
canBeInstantiated() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Serializer
Returns whether the class should be instantiated using its nullary constructor or not.
canBeInstantiated() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.YggdrasilSerializer
canBeInstantiated(Class<? extends Object>) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.JRESerializer
canBeInstantiated(Class<? extends T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Serializer
canBeInstantiated(Class<? extends T>) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilSerializer
Whether an instance of the given class can be dynamically created.
canBuild(Player, Location) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.RegionsPlugin
canBuild_i(Player, Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.GriefPreventionHook
canBuild_i(Player, Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.PreciousStonesHook
canBuild_i(Player, Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.RegionsPlugin
canBuild_i(Player, Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.ResidenceHook
canBuild_i(Player, Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.WorldGuardHook
cancel() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Task
Cancels this task.
canEat(Player, Material) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PlayerUtils
canGenerateUnsafeDocs() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
Checks if Skript is in testing mode and docs template folder is found
canInitSafely(Expression<?>...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.LiteralUtils
Checks if the passed Expressions are non-null and do not contain UnparsedLiteral objects.
canParse(ParseContext) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Parser
canSee(CommandSender) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.Commands.CommandAliasHelpTopic
CAPE_VERDE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.Metrics.Country
CaseInsensitiveString - Class in ch.njol.util
A string which is compared ignoring it's case.
CaseInsensitiveString(String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.CaseInsensitiveString
CaseInsensitiveString(String, Locale) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.CaseInsensitiveString
caseInsensitiveVariables - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
caseInsensitiveVariables - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.variables.Variables
caseSensitive - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
CatData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
CatData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.CatData
CAYMAN_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.Metrics.Country
ceil(double) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
Ceils the given double and returns the result as a long.
ceil(float) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
ceilI(double) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
ceilI(float) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
CENTRAL_AFRICAN_REPUBLIC - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.Metrics.Country
ch.njol.skript - package ch.njol.skript
The package for the bukkit plugin Skript.
ch.njol.skript.aliases - package ch.njol.skript.aliases
Code related to item aliases.
ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil - package ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil
Classes for Bukkit workarounds and support for older versions.
ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block - package ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block
This file is part of Skript.
ch.njol.skript.classes - package ch.njol.skript.classes
Code related to handling the different types of Java, Skript, and Bukkit. - package
Contains definitions and other data of all types supported by Skript by default.
ch.njol.skript.command - package ch.njol.skript.command
Code related to handling commands, either Skript commands or custom script commands.
ch.njol.skript.conditions - package ch.njol.skript.conditions
Contains the default conditions of Skript.
ch.njol.skript.conditions.base - package ch.njol.skript.conditions.base
ch.njol.skript.config - package ch.njol.skript.config
Code for loading & saving Skript's custom configuration files (actual configs & scripts).
ch.njol.skript.config.validate - package ch.njol.skript.config.validate
ch.njol.skript.doc - package ch.njol.skript.doc
Code related to generation a documentation to be published on a website for example.
ch.njol.skript.effects - package ch.njol.skript.effects
Contains the default effects of Skript.
ch.njol.skript.entity - package ch.njol.skript.entity
Contains definitions of Minecraft's various entity types. - package
Contains the default events of Skript. - package
Custom Bukkit events. - package
ch.njol.skript.expressions - package ch.njol.skript.expressions
Contains the default expression of Skript.
ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic - package ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic
Contains the default expression of Skript.
ch.njol.skript.expressions.base - package ch.njol.skript.expressions.base
ch.njol.skript.hooks - package ch.njol.skript.hooks
Hook interface & implementations for specific plugins.
ch.njol.skript.hooks.biomes - package ch.njol.skript.hooks.biomes - package
ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.classes - package ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.classes
ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.expressions - package ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.expressions
ch.njol.skript.hooks.permission.expressions - package ch.njol.skript.hooks.permission.expressions
ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions - package ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions
ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.classes - package ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.classes
ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions - package ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions - package
ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions - package ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions
ch.njol.skript.lang - package ch.njol.skript.lang
Contains all code related to parsing scripts.
ch.njol.skript.lang.function - package ch.njol.skript.lang.function
ch.njol.skript.lang.parser - package ch.njol.skript.lang.parser
This file is part of Skript.
ch.njol.skript.lang.util - package ch.njol.skript.lang.util
ch.njol.skript.localization - package ch.njol.skript.localization
Localisation code goes here.
ch.njol.skript.log - package ch.njol.skript.log
Code related to logging.
ch.njol.skript.patterns - package ch.njol.skript.patterns
The package for the bukkit plugin Skript.
ch.njol.skript.registrations - package ch.njol.skript.registrations
Contains classes used for registering new stuff to Skript.
ch.njol.skript.sections - package ch.njol.skript.sections
Code related to logging.
ch.njol.skript.tests - package ch.njol.skript.tests
Support for script-based testing.
ch.njol.skript.tests.platform - package ch.njol.skript.tests.platform
Support for script-based testing.
ch.njol.skript.tests.runner - package ch.njol.skript.tests.runner
Support for script-based testing.
ch.njol.skript.timings - package ch.njol.skript.timings
Code related to item aliases.
ch.njol.skript.update - package ch.njol.skript.update
Code related to item aliases.
ch.njol.skript.util - package ch.njol.skript.util
Various utility classes and methods. - package
Various utility classes and methods.
ch.njol.skript.util.slot - package ch.njol.skript.util.slot
Various utility classes and methods.
ch.njol.skript.util.visual - package ch.njol.skript.util.visual
ch.njol.skript.variables - package ch.njol.skript.variables
Code related to loading, handling, and saving variables.
ch.njol.util - package ch.njol.util
ch.njol.util.coll - package ch.njol.util.coll
ch.njol.util.coll.iterator - package ch.njol.util.coll.iterator
ch.njol.yggdrasil - package ch.njol.yggdrasil
ch.njol.yggdrasil.util - package ch.njol.yggdrasil.util
ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml - package ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml
CHAD - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.Metrics.Country
ChainedConverter<F,​M,​T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
Used to chain convertes to build a single converter.
ChainedConverter(Converter<? super F, ? extends M>, Converter<? super M, ? extends T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.ChainedConverter
change(Changer<T>, Object[], Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangerUtils
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.EventValueExpression
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.WrapperExpression
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAI
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAppliedEnchantments
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprArrowKnockbackStrength
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprArrowPierceLevel
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprArrowsStuck
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBed
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBiome
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBlockData
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBookAuthor
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBookTitle
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBurnCookTime
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprChatFormat
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprChatRecipients
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprChunk
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCmdCooldownInfo
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprColorOf
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCompassTarget
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCoordinate
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCreeperMaxFuseTicks
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCustomModelData
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDamage
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDifficulty
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDrops
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDurability
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantingExpCost
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantItem
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantmentExpCosts
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantmentLevel
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantmentOffer
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantmentOfferCost
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantments
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEntityAttribute
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEntityTamer
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEventCancelled
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExhaustion
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExperience
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExplosionBlockYield
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExplosionYield
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExplosiveYield
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFacing
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFallDistance
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFlightMode
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFoodLevel
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGameMode
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGameRule
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGlidingState
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGlowing
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGravity
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHealAmount
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHealth
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHotbarSlot
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHoverList
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprIdOf
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItem
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemAmount
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastDamage
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastDamageCause
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLevel
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLevelProgress
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLore
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxHealth
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxMinecartSpeed
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxPlayers
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMendingRepairAmount
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMessage
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMetadata
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMinecartDerailedFlyingVelocity
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMOTD
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprName
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNoDamageTicks
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprOnlinePlayersCount
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPassenger
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlayerlistHeaderFooter
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlayerViewDistance
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlayerWeather
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPotionEffects
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprProjectileBounceState
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprProjectileCriticalState
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprProtocolVersion
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRelationalVariable
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRemainingAir
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRespawnLocation
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSaturation
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprScoreboardTags
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprServerIcon
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprShooter
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSignText
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpawn
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpawnerType
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpectatorTarget
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpeed
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTarget
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTime
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTimePlayed
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorLength
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorXYZ
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVehicle
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVelocity
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVersionString
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWeather
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWhitelist
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWorld
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.expressions.ExprBalance
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.permission.expressions.ExprGroup
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
Changes the expression's value by the given amount.
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprYawPitch
change(T[], Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer
change_page - Enum constant in enum class
change_page - Enum constant in enum class
CHANGED_DURABILITY - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemFlags
Durability of item changed.
CHANGED_TAGS - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemFlags
Changed tags other than durability.
changer(Changer<? super T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
changer(SerializableChanger<? super T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
Changer<T> - Interface in ch.njol.skript.classes
An interface to declare changeable values.
Changer.ChangeMode - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
Changer.ChangerUtils - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
ChangerUtils() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangerUtils
changesCheck(CommandSender) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptUpdater
Checks for update change log and messages the sender.
charAt(int) - Method in class ch.njol.util.CaseInsensitiveString
chartId - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.Metrics.CustomChart
chat - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.VaultHook
ChatCode - Interface in
Chat codes; includes color codes (reference) and also, some formatting codes (mostly this)
ChatMessages - Class in
Handles parsing chat messages.
ChatMessages() - Constructor for class
check(T) - Method in interface ch.njol.util.NullableChecker
check(T[], Checker<? super T>, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
check(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasCustomModelData
check(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsBlock
check(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsEdible
check(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsFlammable
check(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsFuel
check(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsInteractable
check(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsOccluding
check(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSolid
check(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsTransparent
check(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsUnbreakable
check(ReleaseManifest, ReleaseChannel) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.update.GithubChecker
check(ReleaseManifest, ReleaseChannel) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.update.NoUpdateChecker
check(ReleaseManifest, ReleaseChannel) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.update.UpdateChecker
Checks for updates.
check(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsBanned
check(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsEmpty
check(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSkriptCommand
check(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.update.ReleaseChannel
Checks whether the release with given name belongs to this channel.
check(Block) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsPassable
check(Chunk) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSlimeChunk
check(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondEntityIsInLiquid
check(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondEntityIsWet
check(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsAlive
check(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsBurning
check(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsInvulnerable
check(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsOnGround
check(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSilent
check(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondAI
check(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIgnitionProcess
check(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsCharged
check(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsPoisoned
check(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsRiptiding
check(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSwimming
check(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsTameable
check(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondLeashed
check(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCanFly
check(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasClientWeather
check(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasResourcePack
check(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsBlocking
check(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsFlying
check(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSleeping
check(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSneaking
check(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSprinting
check(Projectile) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondProjectileCanBounce
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.base.PropertyCondition
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondAlphanumeric
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCancelled
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCanHold
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCanSee
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondChance
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCompare
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondContains
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondDamageCause
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondDate
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasMetadata
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasPotion
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasRelationalVariable
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasScoreboardTag
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIncendiary
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsBlockRedstonePowered
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsEnchanted
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsInWorld
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsLoaded
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsOfType
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsPluginEnabled
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsRiding
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSet
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsWearing
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsWhitelisted
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondItemInHand
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondMatches
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondPermission
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondPlayedBefore
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondPvP
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondResourcePack
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondScriptLoaded
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondStartsEndsWith
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondWeather
check(Event) - Method in class
check(Event) - Method in class
check(Event) - Method in class
check(Event) - Method in class
check(Event) - Method in class
check(Event) - Method in class
check(Event) - Method in class
check(Event) - Method in class
check(Event) - Method in class
check(Event) - Method in class
check(Event) - Method in class
check(Event) - Method in class
check(Event) - Method in class
check(Event) - Method in class
check(Event) - Method in class
check(Event) - Method in class
check(Event) - Method in class
check(Event) - Method in class
check(Event) - Method in class
check(Event) - Method in class
check(Event) - Method in class
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions.CondCanBuild
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions.CondIsMember
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions.CondRegionContains
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Condition
Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event.
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SectionSkriptEvent
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SelfRegisteringSkriptEvent
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEvent
Checks whether the given Event applies, e.g.
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleEvent
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.tests.runner.CondMinecraftVersion
check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.tests.runner.EvtTestCase
check(Event, Checker<? super Object>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
check(Event, Checker<? super Object>, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
check(Event, Checker<? super String>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
check(Event, Checker<? super String>, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
check(Event, Checker<? super T>) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
Checks this expression against the given checker.
check(Event, Checker<? super T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
check(Event, Checker<? super T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
check(Event, Checker<? super T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedLiteral
check(Event, Checker<? super T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
check(Event, Checker<? super T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
check(Event, Checker<? super T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
check(Event, Checker<? super T>, boolean) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
Checks this expression against the given checker.
check(Event, Checker<? super T>, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
check(Event, Checker<? super T>, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
check(Event, Checker<? super T>, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedLiteral
check(Event, Checker<? super T>, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
check(Event, Checker<? super T>, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
check(Event, Checker<? super T>, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
check(OfflinePlayer) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsOnline
check(Vector) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsVectorNormalized
check(T) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.base.PropertyCondition
check(T) - Method in interface ch.njol.util.Checker
checkAcceptRegistrations() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
checkDatabase() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.DatabaseStorage
CheckedIterator<T> - Class in ch.njol.util.coll.iterator
CheckedIterator(Iterator<T>, NullableChecker<T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.CheckedIterator
Checker<T> - Interface in ch.njol.util
checkEvent(Player, Cancellable, EquipmentSlot) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.ClickEventTracker
Processes a click event from a player.
checkIndices(String, int, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
CHECKING - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.update.UpdaterState
Update check is currently in progress.
checkPotionType(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionEffectUtils
Checks if given string represents a known potion type and returns that type.
checkUpdates() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.update.Updater
Checks for updates asynchronously, without blocking the caller.
CHESTPLATE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot
CHILE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.Metrics.Country
CHINA - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.Metrics.Country
ChoicePatternElement - Class in ch.njol.skript.patterns
A PatternElement that has multiple options, for example hello|world.
ChoicePatternElement() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.patterns.ChoicePatternElement
CHRISTMAS_ISLAND - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.Metrics.Country
classes - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ExprInfo
Classes - Class in ch.njol.skript.registrations
classExists(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
Tests whether a given class exists in the classpath.
classForName(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
Gets class for name.
ClassInfo<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
ClassInfo(Class<T>, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
ClassResolver - Interface in ch.njol.yggdrasil
cleanPatterns(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.doc.Documentation
cleanPatterns(String, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.doc.Documentation
clear() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.Aliases
Clears aliases.
clear() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesMap
Clears all data from this aliases map.
clear() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.ParseLogHandler
Clears all log messages except for the error
clear() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RetainingLogHandler
Clears the list of retained log messages.
clear() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.TypeHints
clear() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.BidiHashMap
clear() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CyclicList
clear() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
CLEAR - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.WeatherType
clearAliases() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider
clearAllEffects(ItemType) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionEffectUtils
Clear all PotionEffects from an ItemType
clearAllEffects(LivingEntity) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionEffectUtils
Clear all the active PotionEffects from an Entity
clearChangesQueue() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage
Clears the saveQueue of unsaved variables.
clearCommands() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.command.Commands
clearEnchantments() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
Clears all enchantments from this item type except the ones that are defined for individual item datas only.
clearError() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.ParseLogHandler
clearFunctions() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
Clears all function calls and removes script functions.
clearFunctions(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
Remember to call Functions.validateFunctions() after calling this
clearItemMeta() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
Clears item meta from this type.
clickEvent - Variable in class
ClickEvent(MessageComponent.ClickEvent.Action, String) - Constructor for class
ClickEventTracker - Class in ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil
Tracks click events to remove extraneous events for one player click.
ClickEventTracker(JavaPlugin) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.ClickEventTracker
clone() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
clone() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
clone() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityType
clone() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Unit
clone() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.BidiHashMap
clone() - Method in class ch.njol.util.NonNullPair
clone() - Method in class ch.njol.util.Pair
clone() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.PseudoEnum
Prevents cloning of pseudo-enums.
clone(Object) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
Clones the given object by calling ClassInfo.clone(Object), getting the ClassInfo from the closest registered superclass (or the given object's class).
clone(T) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
Clones the given object using ClassInfo.cloner, returning the given object if no Cloner is registered.
clone(T) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.classes.Cloner
cloner(Cloner<T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
Cloner<T> - Interface in ch.njol.skript.classes
An interface for optionally cloning an object, should return the given object if no cloning is required.
close() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.LogHandler
close() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Task
close() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.DatabaseStorage
close() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.FlatFileStorage
close() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.Variables
close() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage
Called when Skript gets disabled.
close() - Method in interface ch.njol.util.Closeable
Closes this object.
close() - Method in class ch.njol.util.LoggerFilter
close() - Method in interface ch.njol.util.OpenCloseable
close() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilInputStream
close() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilOutputStream
close() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml.YggXMLInputStream
close() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml.YggXMLOutputStream
Closeable - Interface in ch.njol.util
Like Closeable, but not used for resources, thus it neither throws checked exceptions nor causes resource leak warnings.
closed - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage
closeOnDisable(Closeable) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
Registers a Closeable that should be closed when this plugin is disabled.
COCOA_TREE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
COCOS_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.Metrics.Country
CollectionUtils - Class in ch.njol.util.coll
Utils for collections and arrays.
collectResults() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.tests.runner.TestTracker
COLOMBIA - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.Metrics.Country
color - Variable in class
Color of this text.
Color - Interface in ch.njol.skript.util
COLOR - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.DefaultClasses
colorResetCodes - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
colorResetCodes - Static variable in class
If color codes should also function as reset code.
ColorRGB - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
ColorRGB(int, int, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.ColorRGB
combine(Expression<? extends Direction>, Expression<? extends Location>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
combine(OpenCloseable...) - Static method in interface ch.njol.util.OpenCloseable
COMBINED - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionType
Expressions that contain other expressions, e.g.
CombinedIterator<T> - Class in ch.njol.util.coll.iterator
An iterator that iterates over all elements of several iterables.
CombinedIterator(Iterator<? extends Iterable<T>>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.CombinedIterator
CombinedIterator(Iterator<? extends Iterable<T>>, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.CombinedIterator
COMMAND - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.lang.ParseContext
Only used for parsing arguments of commands
COMMAND - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StringMode
CommandAliasHelpTopic(String, String, HelpMap) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.command.Commands.CommandAliasHelpTopic
CommandEvent - Class in ch.njol.skript.command
CommandEvent(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.command.CommandEvent
CommandHelp - Class in ch.njol.skript.command
CommandHelp(String, SkriptColor) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.command.CommandHelp
CommandHelp(String, SkriptColor, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.command.CommandHelp
commandNames - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo
Command names.
CommandReloader - Class in ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil
Utilizes CraftServer with reflection to re-send commands to clients.
CommandReloader() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.CommandReloader
commands - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo
Commands - Class in ch.njol.skript.command
Commands() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.command.Commands
Commands.CommandAliasHelpTopic - Class in ch.njol.skript.command
copied from CraftBukkit (
comment - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
COMOROS - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.Metrics.Country
Comparator<T1,​T2> - Interface in ch.njol.skript.classes
Used to compare two objects of a different or the same type.
Comparator.ComparatorInfo<T1,​T2> - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
holds information about a comparator.
Comparator.Relation - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
represents a relation between two objects.
ComparatorInfo(Class<T1>, Class<T2>, Comparator<T1, T2>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.ComparatorInfo
comparators - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Comparators
Comparators - Class in ch.njol.skript.registrations
compare(Object, Object) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Comparators
compare(String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Version
compare(T1, T2) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator
Compares the given objects which may not be null.
compare(T1, T2) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.InverseComparator
compareTo(int...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Version
compareTo(Config) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
compareTo(EvtAtTime) - Method in class
compareTo(Date) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Date
compareTo(Timespan) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timespan
compareTo(Version) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Version
compareTo(CharSequence) - Method in class ch.njol.util.CaseInsensitiveString
compile(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.PatternCompiler
Parses a pattern String into a SkriptPattern.
CondAI - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondAI() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondAI
CondAlphanumeric - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondAlphanumeric() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondAlphanumeric
CondCanBuild - Class in ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions
CondCanBuild() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions.CondCanBuild
CondCancelled - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondCancelled() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCancelled
CondCanFly - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondCanFly() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCanFly
CondCanHold - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondCanHold() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCanHold
CondCanSee - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondCanSee() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCanSee
CondChance - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondChance() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondChance
CondCompare - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondCompare() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCompare
CondContains - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondContains() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondContains
CondDamageCause - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondDamageCause() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondDamageCause
CondDate - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondDate() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondDate
CondEntityIsInLiquid - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondEntityIsInLiquid() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondEntityIsInLiquid
CondEntityIsWet - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondEntityIsWet() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondEntityIsWet
CondHasClientWeather - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondHasClientWeather() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasClientWeather
CondHasCustomModelData - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondHasCustomModelData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasCustomModelData
CondHasMetadata - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondHasMetadata() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasMetadata
CondHasPotion - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondHasPotion() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasPotion
CondHasRelationalVariable - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondHasRelationalVariable() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasRelationalVariable
CondHasResourcePack - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondHasResourcePack() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasResourcePack
CondHasScoreboardTag - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondHasScoreboardTag() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasScoreboardTag
CondIgnitionProcess - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIgnitionProcess() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIgnitionProcess
CondIncendiary - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIncendiary() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIncendiary
CondIsAlive - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsAlive() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsAlive
CondIsBanned - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsBanned() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsBanned
CondIsBlock - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsBlock() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsBlock
CondIsBlocking - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsBlocking() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsBlocking
CondIsBlockRedstonePowered - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsBlockRedstonePowered() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsBlockRedstonePowered
CondIsBurning - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsBurning() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsBurning
CondIsCharged - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsCharged() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsCharged
CondIsEdible - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsEdible() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsEdible
CondIsEmpty - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsEmpty() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsEmpty
CondIsEnchanted - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsEnchanted() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsEnchanted
CondIsFlammable - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsFlammable() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsFlammable
CondIsFlying - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsFlying() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsFlying
CondIsFuel - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsFuel() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsFuel
CondIsInteractable - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsInteractable() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsInteractable
CondIsInvulnerable - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsInvulnerable() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsInvulnerable
CondIsInWorld - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsInWorld() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsInWorld
CondIsLoaded - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsLoaded() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsLoaded
CondIsMember - Class in ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions
CondIsMember() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions.CondIsMember
CondIsOccluding - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsOccluding() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsOccluding
CondIsOfType - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsOfType() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsOfType
CondIsOnGround - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsOnGround() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsOnGround
CondIsOnline - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsOnline() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsOnline
CondIsPassable - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsPassable() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsPassable
CondIsPluginEnabled - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsPluginEnabled() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsPluginEnabled
CondIsPoisoned - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsPoisoned() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsPoisoned
CondIsRiding - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsRiding() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsRiding
CondIsRiptiding - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsRiptiding() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsRiptiding
CondIsSet - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsSet() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSet
CondIsSilent - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsSilent() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSilent
CondIsSkriptCommand - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsSkriptCommand() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSkriptCommand
CondIsSleeping - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsSleeping() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSleeping
CondIsSlimeChunk - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsSlimeChunk() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSlimeChunk
CondIsSneaking - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsSneaking() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSneaking
CondIsSolid - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsSolid() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSolid
CondIsSprinting - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsSprinting() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSprinting
CondIsSwimming - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsSwimming() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSwimming
CondIsTameable - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsTameable() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsTameable
CondIsTransparent - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsTransparent() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsTransparent
CondIsUnbreakable - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsUnbreakable() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsUnbreakable
CondIsVectorNormalized - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsVectorNormalized() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsVectorNormalized
CondIsWearing - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsWearing() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsWearing
CondIsWhitelisted - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondIsWhitelisted() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsWhitelisted
CondItemInHand - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondItemInHand() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondItemInHand
Condition - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
A condition which must be fulfilled for the trigger to continue.
Condition() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.Condition
CondLeashed - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondLeashed() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondLeashed
CondMatches - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondMatches() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondMatches
CondMinecraftVersion - Class in ch.njol.skript.tests.runner
CondMinecraftVersion() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.tests.runner.CondMinecraftVersion
CondPermission - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondPermission() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondPermission
CondPlayedBefore - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondPlayedBefore() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondPlayedBefore
CondProjectileCanBounce - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondProjectileCanBounce() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondProjectileCanBounce
CondPvP - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondPvP() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondPvP
CondRegionContains - Class in ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions
CondRegionContains() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions.CondRegionContains
CondResourcePack - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondResourcePack() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondResourcePack
CondScriptLoaded - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondScriptLoaded() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondScriptLoaded
CondStartsEndsWith - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondStartsEndsWith() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondStartsEndsWith
CondWeather - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
CondWeather() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondWeather
config - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
Config - Class in ch.njol.skript.config
Represents a config file.
Config(File, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
Config(InputStream, String, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
Config(InputStream, String, File, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
Config(String, String, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
For testing
Config(Path, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
CONFIG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.lang.ParseContext
Used for parsing values from a config
ConfigReader - Class in ch.njol.skript.config
ConfigReader(InputStream) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.ConfigReader
ConfigurationSerializer<T extends org.bukkit.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerializable> - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
Uses strings for serialisation because the whole ConfigurationSerializable interface is badly documented, and especially DelegateDeserialization doesn't work well with Yggdrasil.
ConfigurationSerializer() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.ConfigurationSerializer
CONGO - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.Metrics.Country
connect() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.DatabaseStorage
connect() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.FlatFileStorage
connect() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage
(Re)connects to the database (not called on the first connect - do this in VariablesStorage.load_i(SectionNode)).
CONNECT_CHANNEL - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffConnect
connectionLock - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage
Must be locked after Variables.getReadLock() (if that lock is used at all)
CONSOLE - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
Container<T> - Interface in ch.njol.skript.util
Represents a class which is a container, i.e.
Container.ContainerType - Annotation Interface in ch.njol.skript.util
ContainerExpression - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.util
ContainerExpression(Expression<? extends Container<?>>, Class<?>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ContainerExpression
containerIterator() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
containerIterator() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.util.Container
contains(@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable int[], int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
contains(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timeperiod
contains(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
contains(T[], T) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
contains(LogHandler) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.HandlerList
contains(Time) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timeperiod
contains(String) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
contains(String, char, int, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
contains(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
contains(Block) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.AABB
contains(Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.classes.Region
contains(Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.GriefPreventionHook.GriefPreventionRegion
contains(Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.PreciousStonesHook.PreciousStonesRegion
contains(Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.ResidenceHook.ResidenceRegion
contains(Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.WorldGuardHook.WorldGuardRegion
contains(Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.AABB
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
containsAll(T[], T...) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
containsAny(T[], T...) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
containsAny(String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
Searches for whether a String contains any of the characters of another string.
containsAnySuperclass(Class<?>[], Class<?>...) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
containsIgnoreCase(String[], String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
containsKey(Map<T, U>, T) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
containsKeyIgnoreCase(Map<String, U>, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
containsSuperclass(Class<?>[], Class<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
containsSuperclass(Set<Class<?>>, Class<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptEventHandler
containsValue(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.BidiHashMap
content - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesParser.PatternSlot
context - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
convert(F, Class<? extends T>[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
Converts an object into one of the given types.
convert(F, Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
Converts the given value to the desired type.
convert(A) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Getter
Convenience method to make getter implement converter
convert(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBlockHardness
convert(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBookAuthor
convert(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBookTitle
convert(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCustomModelData
convert(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxStack
convert(MessageComponent) - Static method in class
convert(MessageComponent[]) - Static method in class
convert(Date) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTimeSince
convert(Date) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprUnixTicks
convert(Slot) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSlotIndex
convert(F) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ChainedConverter
convert(F) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter
Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
convert(F) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.SimplePropertyExpression
convert(F[], Class<T>, Converter<? super F, ? extends T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
convert(Number) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprUnixDate
convert(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDurability
convert(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFacing
convert(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemAmount
convert(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxDurability
convert(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprName
convert(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSkull
convert(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTypeOf
convert(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprUUID
convert(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprYawPitch
convert(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.EnumParser
convert(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastColor
convert(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLength
convert(List<MessageComponent>) - Static method in class
convert(Block) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBlockData
convert(Block) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHumidity
convert(Block) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRedstoneBlockPower
convert(Block) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpawnerType
convert(Block) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTemperature
convert(EnchantmentOffer) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantmentOfferCost
convert(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExplosiveYield
convert(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFallDistance
convert(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGlowing
convert(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGravity
convert(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemFrameSlot
convert(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastAttacker
convert(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxMinecartSpeed
convert(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMinecartDerailedFlyingVelocity
convert(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVehicle
convert(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVelocity
convert(HumanEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAttackCooldown
convert(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAI
convert(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprArmorSlot
convert(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprArrowsStuck
convert(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCreeperMaxFuseTicks
convert(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEntityTamer
convert(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEyeLocation
convert(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGlidingState
convert(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastDamage
convert(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLeashHolder
convert(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxHealth
convert(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNoDamageTicks
convert(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRemainingAir
convert(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBed
convert(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprClientViewDistance
convert(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCompassTarget
convert(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCursorSlot
convert(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnderChest
convert(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExhaustion
convert(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFlightMode
convert(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHotbarSlot
convert(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLanguage
convert(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastResourcePackResponse
convert(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLevel
convert(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLevelProgress
convert(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPing
convert(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlayerlistHeaderFooter
convert(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlayerWeather
convert(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpectatorTarget
convert(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpeed
convert(Player) - Method in class
convert(Projectile) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprArrowKnockbackStrength
convert(Projectile) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprArrowPierceLevel
convert(Projectile) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprProjectileBounceState
convert(Projectile) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprProjectileCriticalState
convert(Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAltitude
convert(Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCoordinate
convert(Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHighestSolidBlock
convert(Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMiddleOfLocation
convert(OfflinePlayer) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastLoginTime
convert(OfflinePlayer) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTimePlayed
convert(OfflinePlayer) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.expressions.ExprBalance
convert(Vector) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorLength
convert(Vector) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorSquaredLength
convert(Vector) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorXYZ
convert(World) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDifficulty
convert(World) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSeaLevel
convertArray(Object[], Class<? extends T>[], Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
Converts multiple objects into any of the given classes.
convertArray(Object[], Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
Converts all entries in the given array to the desired type, using Converters.convert(Object, Class) to convert every single value.
ConvertedExpression<F,​T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.util
Represents a expression converted to another type.
ConvertedExpression(Expression<? extends F>, Class<T>, Converter.ConverterInfo<? super F, ? extends T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
ConvertedLiteral<F,​T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.util
ConvertedLiteral(Literal<F>, T[], Class<T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedLiteral
converter - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterInfo
Converter<F,​T> - Interface in ch.njol.skript.classes
Converts data from type to another.
Converter.ConverterInfo<F,​T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
holds information about a converter
Converter.ConverterUtils - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
converterExists(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
Tests whether a converter between the given classes exists.
converterExists(Class<?>, Class<?>...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
ConverterInfo(Converter.ConverterInfo<?, ?>, Converter.ConverterInfo<?, ?>, Converter<F, T>, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterInfo
ConverterInfo(Class<F>, Class<T>, Converter<F, T>, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterInfo
Converters - Class in ch.njol.skript.registrations
Contains all registered converters and allows operating with them.
ConverterUtils() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterUtils
convertStrictly(Object[], Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
Strictly converts an array to a non-null array of the specified class.
convertStrictly(Object, Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
Strictly converts an object to the specified class
convertToEntries(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode
Converts all SimpleNodes in this section to EntryNodes.
convertToEntries(int, String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode
REMIND breaks saving - separator argument can be different from config.sepator
convertToPositive(float) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprYawPitch
convertUnsafe(F[], Class<?>, Converter<? super F, ? extends T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
COOK_ISLANDS - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.Metrics.Country
copy() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.MatchResult
copy() - Method in class
copy(File, File) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.FileUtils
copyLocalVariables(Event) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.Variables
Creates a copy of the VariablesMap for local variables in an event.
copyStyles(MessageComponent, MessageComponent) - Static method in class
Copies styles from component to another.
COSTA_RICA - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.Metrics.Country
COTE_D_IVOIRE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.Metrics.Country
count(String, char) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
count(String, char, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
count(String, char, int, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
CountingLogHandler - Class in ch.njol.skript.log
Counts logged messages of a certain type
CountingLogHandler(Level) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.log.CountingLogHandler
createBlockData(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockUtils
createBlockValues(Material, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockCompat
Creates new block values for given material and state.
createBlockValues(Material, Map<String, String>, ItemStack, int) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockCompat
Creates new block values for given material and state.
createBlockValues(Material, Map<String, String>, ItemStack, int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.MagicBlockCompat
createBlockValues(Material, Map<String, String>, ItemStack, int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.NewBlockCompat
created_at - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.GithubChecker.ResponseEntry
createDoubleInstanceofConverter(Converter.ConverterInfo<F, ?>, Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterUtils
createDoubleInstanceofConverter(Class<F>, Converter<F, ?>, Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterUtils
Wraps a converter.
createInstanceofConverter(Converter.ConverterInfo<F, T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterUtils
createInstanceofConverter(Converter<F, ?>, Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterUtils
Wraps a converter in a filter that will only accept conversion results of given type.
createInstanceofConverter(Class<F>, Converter<F, T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterUtils
createMissingConverters() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
createReport() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.tests.TestResults
createScriptAliases() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.Aliases
Creates script aliases.
createUpdateChecker() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.update.ReleaseManifest
Creates an instance of the updater used by this type.
CreeperData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
CreeperData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.CreeperData
CROATIA - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.Metrics.Country
CUBA - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.Metrics.Country
CURACAO - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.Metrics.Country
current() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ImprovedIterator
currentArguments - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.command.Commands
currentFunction - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
CursorSlot - Class in ch.njol.skript.util.slot
Item that is in player's cursor.
CursorSlot(Player) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.CursorSlot
CUSTOM - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.update.ReleaseStatus
Updates have been checked, but this release was not found at all.
CustomChart(String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.Metrics.CustomChart
Class constructor.
CyclicList<E> - Class in ch.njol.util.coll
A list with fixed size that overrides the oldest elements when new elements are added and no more space is available.
CyclicList(int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.CyclicList
CyclicList(E[]) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.CyclicList
CyclicList(Collection<E>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.CyclicList
CYPRUS - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.Metrics.Country
CZECH_REPUBLIC - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.Metrics.Country
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
All Classes|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Deprecated API|Serialized Form