All Classes

AABB = Axis-Aligned Bounding Box
Stores the aliases.
Parses aliases.
Provides aliases on Bukkit/Spigot platform.
Name of an alias used by AliasesProvider.addAlias(AliasName, String, Map, Map) for registration.
Represents a variation of material.
Represents an argument of a command
Represents arithmetic for certain two types.
A simple iterator to iterate over an array.
Effects that extend this class are ran asynchronously.
Hook for using 1.13 biome names on older Minecraft versions.
1.13 to 1.9+ biome name mappings.
Hooks to provide MC<1.13 support.
Methods which operate with blocks but are not compatible across some Minecraft versions.
Blocks any messages from being logged.
Main usage is ExprInventoryInfo This class allows Skript to return a block while being able to recognize it as InventoryHolder, You may only use this class if a expression's return type is an InventoryHolder.
Manages setting blocks.
A block that gets all data from a BlockState, and either reflects changes on the BlockState or delays them to the real block by 1 tick depending on which constructor is used.
TODO !Update with every version [blocks] - also update aliases-*.sk
Contains all data block has that is needed for comparisions.
REM: Don't even think about supporting CraftBukkit's new logging library "log4j".
Contains helpers for Bukkit's not so safe stuff.
Converts Skript's chat components into Bungee's BaseComponents which Spigot supports, too.
Reads JSON produced by Burger and does some stuff with it.
A string which is compared ignoring it's case.
Used to chain convertes to build a single converter.
An interface to declare changeable values.
Chat codes; includes color codes (reference) and also, some formatting codes (mostly this)
Handles parsing chat messages.
A PatternElement that has multiple options, for example hello|world.
Tracks click events to remove extraneous events for one player click.
An interface for optionally cloning an object, should return the given object if no cloning is required.
Like Closeable, but not used for resources, thus it neither throws checked exceptions nor causes resource leak warnings.
Utils for collections and arrays.
An iterator that iterates over all elements of several iterables.
Utilizes CraftServer with reflection to re-send commands to clients.
copied from CraftBukkit (
Used to compare two objects of a different or the same type.
holds information about a comparator.
represents a relation between two objects.
A condition which must be fulfilled for the trigger to continue.
Represents a config file.
ConfigurationSerializer<T extends org.bukkit.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerializable>
Uses strings for serialisation because the whole ConfigurationSerializable interface is badly documented, and especially DelegateDeserialization doesn't work well with Yggdrasil.
Represents a class which is a container, i.e.
Represents a expression converted to another type.
Converts data from type to another.
holds information about a converter
Contains all registered converters and allows operating with them.
Counts logged messages of a certain type
Item that is in player's cursor.
A list with fixed size that overrides the oldest elements when new elements are added and no more space is available.
TODO create a metadata table to store some properties (e.g.
Represents an expression that can be used as the default value of a certain type and event.
A block that gets all data from the world, but either delays any changes by 1 tick of reflects them on a given BlockState depending on which constructor is used.
Provides a description for annotated element in documentation.
TODO list special expressions for events and event values TODO compare doc in code with changed one of the webserver and warn about differences?
Sets documentation id for the annotated element.
Represents an item of dropped item entity.
An effect which is unconditionally executed when reached, and execution will usually continue with the next item of the trigger after this effect is executed (the stop effect for example stops the trigger, i.e.
A Section that may also be used as an effect, meaning there may be no section to parse.
Maps enchantments to their ids in Minecraft 1.12.
EntityData<E extends org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
Utility class for quick Entity methods
TODO this should actually only be an Iterator
EnumParser<E extends Enum<E>>
Mainly kept for backwards compatibility, but also serves as ClassResolver for enums.
EnumUtils<E extends Enum<E>>
Test environment information.
Resource that needs to be downloaded for the environment.
Represents equipment slot of an entity.
Does nothing but print messages before the first error encountered and/or a message at the end if no error were encountered.
The quality of a parse error.
A useful class for creating default expressions.
Provides a list of examples to be used in documentation for annotated element.
TODO should 'amount of [item]' return the size of the stack?
Cursor item slot is not actually an inventory slot, but an item which the player has in their cursor when any inventory is open for them.
Represents an expression.
A list of expressions.
Used to define in which order to parse expressions.
TODO actually allow to have triggers execute for cancelled events
Provided for convenience: one can write 'event-world' instead of only 'world' to distinguish between the event-world and the loop-world.
FIXME doesn't parse - update documentation when fixed
Used to access a loop's current value.
TODO make a 'line %number% of %text%' expression and figure out how to deal with signs (4 lines, delete = empty, etc...)
Holds a field's name and value, and throws StreamCorruptedExceptions if primitives or objects are used incorrectly.
TODO use a database (SQLite) instead and only load a limited amount of variables into RAM - e.g.
Functions can be called using arguments.
Reference to a Skript function.
Static methods to work with functions.
Used to get a specific value from instances of some type.
Uses Github API to check for updates.
Github API response for GSON deserialization.
A PatternElement that represents a group, for example (test).
Hook<P extends org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin>
Template engine, primarily used for generating Skript documentation pages by combining data from annotations and templates.
A line of a config that could not be parsed.
Inventory action utils...
Represents a slot in some inventory.
Represents old ItemData (before aliases rework and MC 1.13).
Contains bit mask flags for some item properties.
Represents contents of an item frame.
Miscellaneous static utility methods related to items.
Handles common JRE-related incompatible field types.
A three-valued logic type (true, unknown, false), named after Stephen Cole Kleene.
Parse mode for links in chat messages.
This PersistentDataType is used for list variables.
A literal, e.g.
A list of literals.
A PatternElement that contains a literal string to be matched, for example hello world.
A class that contains methods based around making it easier to deal with UnparsedLiteral objects.
A log handler is used to handle Skripts logging.
Block compatibility implemented with magic numbers.
How well two items match each other.
A result from pattern matching.
Manages Skript's own number -> Material mappings.
Basic class to get text from the language file(s).
Component for chat messages.
bStats collects some data for plugin authors.
Represents a custom advanced bar chart.
Represents a custom advanced map chart.
Represents a custom advanced pie.
A enum which is used for custom maps.
Represents a custom chart.
Represents a custom multi line chart.
Represents a custom simple bar chart.
Represents a custom simple map chart.
Represents a custom simple pie.
Represents a custom single line chart.
Provides the name of annotated element to be used in documentation.
Contains a set of functions.
Key to a namespace.
Origin of functions in namespace.
1.13+ block compat.
Map for fast access of entry nodes and section nodes within section nodes.
Annotated element will not appear in documentation, nor will missing documentation about it cause warnings.
An update checker that never reports available updates.
A object that can both be opened and closed.
A PatternElement that contains an optional part, for example [hello world].
A parser used to parse data from a string or turn data into a string.
An abstract class for addons that want to add data bound to a ParserInstance.
A PatternElement that applies a parse mark when matched.
Allows binary-patching old versions of Skript from this jar.
The pattern structure is a linked list of PatternElements, where points to the next element to be matched, which can be on an outer level, and where PatternElement.originalNext points to the next element on the same level.
A helper class useful when a expression/condition/effect/etc.
This class allows Persistent Data to work properly with Skript.
Main entry point of test platform.
TODO check all updates and find out which ones are not required
An ArgsMessage that pluralises words following numbers.
This event has no guarantee of being on the main thread.
This class can be used for an easier writing of conditions that contain only one type in the pattern, and are in one of the following forms: something is something something can something something has something The plural and negated forms are also supported.
See PropertyCondition for more info
Represents an expression which represents a property of another one.
A class that acts as a "pseudo-enum", i.e.
Redirects the log to a CommandSender.
A PatternElement that contains a regex Pattern, for example <.+>.
RegionsPlugin<P extends org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin>
Allows checking whether releases are in this channel or not.
Describes a Skript release.
Status of currently installed release.
Provides a list of plugins other than Skript that the annotated element requires to be used.
Hook for Residence protection plugin.
Per-script aliases provider and parser container.
This class is used for user-defined commands.
The main class for loading, unloading and reloading scripts.
A class for keeping track of a the general content of a script: The amount of files The amount of triggers The amount of commands The amount of functions The names of the declared commands
A section that can decide what it does with its contents, as code isn't parsed by default.
To be used in sections that delay the execution of their code through a Trigger.
Represents all server platforms that Skript runs on.
Function signature: name, parameter types and a return type.
A very basic SkriptEvent which returns true for all events (i.e.
An implementation of the Expression interface.
A JavaFunction which doesn't make use of the FunctionEvent instance and that cannot accept empty / null parameters.
Represents a literal, i.e.
A base class for property expressions that requires only few overridden methods
Provides the version of plugin when was the annotated element added.
This PersistentDataType is used for single variables.
Skript - A Bukkit plugin to modify how Minecraft behaves without having to write a single line of code (You'll likely be writing some code though if you're reading this =P)
Utility class for Skript addons.
This exception is thrown if the API is used incorrectly.
Chat codes that come with Skript by default.
Important: don't save values from the config, a '/skript reload config/configs/all' won't work correctly otherwise!
A SkriptEvent is like a condition.
A event listener for one priority.
Internally used for parsing `parse if` sections
Used for parsing my custom patterns.

Note: All parse methods print one error at most xor any amount of warnings and lower level log messages.
Called when Skript starts (after everything was loaded)
Called when Skript stops (before anything is unloaded)
Raised by Skript when tests are run.
Static utils for Skript timings.
Skript's update checker.
Slot stuff got its own package.
Represents a container for a single item.
Represents a slot which has index.
Supertype of conditions and effects
Represents a general part of the syntax.
Effects which can be tested implement this interface.
Functions available only to testing scripts.
Static utilities for Skript's 'test mode'.
Contains test results: successes and failures.
Tracks failed and succeeded tests.
Represents the displayed item of a throwable projectile.
A log handler that records the time since its creation.
Represents a trigger item, i.e.
Represents a section of a trigger, e.g.
This is used to manage local variable type hints.
A PatternElement that contains a type to be matched with an expressions, for example %number%.
A literal which has yet to be parsed.
Checks for updates
Returned by an update checker when an update is available.
Extensible updater system.
State of updater.
Utility class.
Represents a string that may contain expressions, and is thus "variable".
An empty line or a comment.
Workarounds for Minecraft & Bukkit quirks
Utility class for Bukkit worlds
Represents an expression which is a wrapper of another one.
Yggdrasil is a simple data format to store object graphs.
Thrown if the object(s) that should be saved/loaded with Yggdrasil do not comply with its requirements, or if Yggdrasil is used incorrectly.
Can be used to set a class's or field's id used by Yggdrasil.
Marks a class as serialisable by Yggdrasil.
A class that has transient fields or more generally wants to exactly define which fields to write to/read from stream should implement this interface.
Provides a method to resolve missing enum constants.
A class that has had fields added, changed, or removed from it should implement this interface to handle the now invalid/missing fields that may still be read from stream.
Utility to be able to save and load classes with Yggdrasil that the user has no control of, e.g.
XML has so many quirks that storing arbitrary data cannot be guaranteed.
XML has so many quirks that storing arbitrary data cannot be guaranteed.